This week at 'connecT' we are looking at the 'sign', in John, of the 'man born blind' (John 9: 1 - 12). Whose fault is it, the disciples ask Jesus? a not uncommon thought, even in these contemporary and, supposedly, enlightened times. Why does my child have a disability? Did I do something wrong at pregnancy, a mother may ask? Why does my son not do well at school? What did I do to make my daughter the way she is? Sigmund Freud did not help by pointing to a child's upbringing as the root cause for most psychological disorders and phobias. Who is to blame,'this man or his parents' is a fairly common and widely accepted response.Neither, is Jesus' unexpected answer; 'but so the works of God might be made manifest' (9: 3).
What are the consequences for our world - my world- I wonder? We should always acknowledge the wrongs of the past, I would argue: the holocaust, the forced separation of Aboriginal children of mixed descent from their parents (the stolen generation), are but two examples. However, the past is the past; to be remembered, lest we repeat it, but forgiveness offered and new sight given.
The man born blind sees for the very first time, but those caught in the past, and who justify it, cannot see (9: 40). How do my blind spots keep me from seeing God working? How does the Church stop people from seeing? Where do we see Jesus' light shining? What do you think?
Hi Chris, yes , interesting stuff about the man born blind. Not his fault, or his parents fault says Jesus. However 3 chapters earlier in John, is the story of the crippled man laying for 38 years by the pool called Bethesda.Jesus heals him and says "See you are well again.Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you". So this mans disability was caused by sin? Is this what Jesus is implying?
So is blindness from birth no one's fault but being crippled and unable to walk the consequence of sin?
It's all a mystery to me, like looking into a foggy mirror!
Hi Paul.
Mmmm, yes tricky. I'm going to share a view, but not yet. I wonder what others think.
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