A number of years ago I watched the film 'shall we dance'. It is about a character, played by Richard Gere, whose life had lost its spark and so, on a whim, he takes dancing lessons. J.Lo is the exotic dance instructor with whom you expect him to, eventually, as these films go, have an affair. The twist of the film, and a pleasant one too, is that he uses his new found dancing skills to romance his wife, Susan Sarandon, and re-kindle the flame in their relationship. It is what I might call a resurrection moment: out of a death, new life begins.
This week, at 'connecT', we are looking at the last sign in John, 'the raising of Lazarus' (11: 1-44). A moving story, Jesus weeps, his friend is dead, but he calls him back to life. Resurrection is something we expect at the end of time, but in the midst of life we can, if we have a our faith (sight) eyes open, catch these resurrection moments. Dead faith to a living 'fresh expression'. Tired relationships breathed with new life. Moving out of depression into hope. All small glimpses of what Jesus means by 'I am the resurrection and the life' (John 11: 25).
Hi Chris,
wow, when I think of the story of Lazarus, I certainly don't think of the more abstract applications you mention in your blog! Like the Crows starting the finals in 1998 in last place and looking dead only to win the Grand Final (much to Sam Newmans disgust). No, the story of Lazarus unfortunately reminds me of the huge controversy 10 years ago among my Pentecostal mates concerning the African Pastor, Daniel Ekechukwu.
Pastor Daniel was 'raised from the dead' after 3 days at a Reinhard Bonnke Crusade. He had crashed his car and been pronounced dead at the crash scene. see full story at : http://www.cfan.org/offices/usa/testimonies/resurrection/page1.htm. The controversy raged over the truthfulness of this event among my friends, (particularly after Bonnke released a Video of this Testimony, selling 1,000's of copys at $20 bucks a hit). but for me, the shame of it all is that Jesus didn't receive much glory! It was all about Bonnke and Pastor Daniel and the 'power'of Bonnke's ministry.
There is no doubt in my mind, that if I had witnessed Lazarus coming back to life 2000 years ago, I would have immediately got on my knees and said 'your the man, your the man' which is paramount to saying 'my Lord and my God'. When you hear about God moving in miraculous ways , healings etc, does Jesus get the glory? or the miracle worker?
Hi Paul.
Yes, I have never been convinced of the 'resurrection man' story, especially, as you point out, God didn't get the ultimate glory. I had a similar, but more bizarre story, of an evangelist claiming to raise his dead dog! These bigger resurrections, but I would probably want to call them revivifications(resurrection actually involves transformed bodies (1 Cor 15), may happen from time to time. The raising of Lazarus is a 'sign' of what is to come. Even the 'resurrection man' and Bonnke will die again.
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