Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A week of gifts - Anglican Indigenous Network

Just last week I went to the 'Anglican Indigenous Network' meeting in Sydney. AIN is made up of Indigenous Anglicans who are minorities in their own land. There were representatives from Canada, USA, Australia, Aotearoa and Hawaii. I, with 5 others, were representing the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council (NATSIAC - I have been a member, on and off, for 17 years, wow!). I have Aboriginal heritage given to me by my mother - a rich gift! The conference itself was a gift, and the gift that people gave were themselves. Stories abounded of suffering, disempowerment, struggle, racism, self-determination, peace, joy, love and forgiveness. It was deep Christian community, and the prayer was so heart-felt and rich.

It seems to me that indigenous church has been doing 'Fresh Expressions' and 'Emerging Church' for a long time now. They are;

. Culturally relevant
. Biblically faithful, but hermeneutically creative.
. Creative with the use of art and symbol.
. Focussed on the un-churched (missiological).
. Passionate about issues of justice (poverty & ecology)

Why has this passed by the attention of non-indigenous churches? Like in the time of Jesus those on the fringes often catch something the mainstream misses.


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