Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Getting Ready

Thank you blog readers for a very stimulating discussion around last week's post. This week's lectionary readings are in a similar vein: getting ready. Ready for what: might be an interesting question to ask. Tom Wright's interpretation of the Gospel reading (Matthew 25: 14 - 30) understands this to be getting ready for God's activity in the 'here and now' of the time of Jesus 1). The people of Israel of Jesus' time have wasted their talents. God, in the long prophetic tradition in which Jesus stands, waits to perform justice and salvation now. Jesus and Paul understand this to be like a 'thief in the night' (1 Thess 5: 2; Matt 24: 43)). There will be a surprise, but not a big one for those who are ready. Staying awake, I would suggest, is to be alert to God's Kingdom activity in the world.

Consequently, there is no need for Hollywood horror theatrics when interpreting all this. The world around us provides enough horror of the real presence of evil. The Kingdom of God is breaking into this world. It is taking its time, but we are to invest our talents in making the world a fit place for God to reign at the final end.

1) Wright, T 2012, Twelve months of Sundays: years A,B & C, SPCK, London p. 125

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