Just recently we began a new evening service. At this service we wanted to explore some 'emergent' forms of doing and being church. There would be music, Bible, monthly eucharist, some creativity and, especially, an opportunity to gather around the 'text' of scripture and talk - and, yes, food too! Some input would be provided by one of the leadership team - 7 adults under 50 and over 30; 4 women and 3 men. The service would be built around themes. Last night, for example, being Mother's Day in Australia, we looked at feminine images for God. The service was led by all women. We used the Rob Bell Nooma dvd 'she' as a discussion starter (the only male input, we wanted to find a dvd by a woman but couldn't find one quickly) - it worked well. At the service there we about 30 people aged from 9 to 80 and good gender balance too. I felt it was a good night and made me, at least, think deeper about how I see God and value women's experience. I forgot to mention we call the service 'connecT' (the church is at a 'T' junction and we want to connect in Jesus, with each other and with the world around us).
Why this post? Well, are there any others doing similar things? What's your journey been like? Where do you find your inspiration, music and resources? What keeps you on track? What feeds you? I'd love to hear from you and get the conversation going.
introducing ordinary time festival research
3 weeks ago
yeah. great to see you recording the journey. maybe i can come when i'm back over in adelaide later this year,
steve taylor
great to hear of another alt.church space beginning in adelaide. we've been doing an occasional alt.church space at Blackwood Uniting, around jazz. www.blackwoodjazz.blogspot.com i'm about to move on from there and start a theatre company, around which we hope to gather a fresh expression of church. hoping to come and worship with you on a sunday evening some time soon.
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