Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Church

Over the last few weeks at 'connecT' we have been looking at what it means to be church and where the 'emergent church' fits into the discussion. Some in my tradition (Anglican) say it is not really church because it sits loose with denominational ties and clergy, and encourages strong lay leadership and decision making. Others find it a bit uncomfortable because it is seen to be loose with the christian tradition, scripture and liturgy. Others, like me, see it as a global expression of the search for a deeper ecclesial experience that is not stitched up over rules and regulations. By the way, I love the Anglican tradition, being a priest and working within denominational structures, but, at the same time, there is always room for a creative response to the Holy Spirit as it blows where it wills (Jn 3:8) and thinking about what the Spirit might be saying to the churches (Rev 2: 7).

But, what is church for you? 2 or 3 gathered, or more?


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